Thursday, January 29, 2009

Your Assignment, Should You Choose to Accept It...

Sitting in my small computer/TV room this dark cloudy and often snowy day has been just another dreary day. Since the weather has been so much of the same thing day after day this winter people have had to struggle with the affects of that winter depression and SAD. Being cooped up can make for some real cabin fever and often leaves many of us with nothing to do but shovel and pray for a break in the weather!

So what can a person do to try and lift the doldrums? First, it really matters who you are and what you like to do in warmer weather so you can begin to plan that escape plan. You can dream and plant that spring time garden in your mind and on paper over and over again, or plan the repairs of a special antique car it doesn't matter as long as it is a dream that can be fulfilled either on paper or in your mind.

Though I love the snow, even I am feeling cornered in my little place. So when my garden and seed catalogs began coming in a few weeks ago I began to build my dream garden on a wall in this small room I often write from on days such as these. Though in the end I know my own garden won't be filled with all the flowers like my beautiful picture garden, I've really enjoyed seeing all that color and ideas that have come to life in my small cubicle sized room.

For me, creation of any kind can give a boost so often when we're watching TV I also am working on a bright yellow afghan that will end up being a gift to a new great grandniece when it's done. So for me it's that creation using my hands that makes the time shape up differently, but for others it can be spending time reading their winter beach books which can often includes some deeply interesting books as well as those ever present fluff types - or maybe simply spinning those wonderful day dreams of travel to some warm part of the world a real personal escape to those far off lands that make those snow flakes so much less intimidating. We all need to break through to those much anticipated spring zephyrs - even if it's only for a few moments.

What is your escape, or for those who aren't sure - what's your favorite diversion?? Why not explore what fits you and find the path to an escape to your personal island of freedom from the wintery onslaught.

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